
Should You Eat Eggs Every Day?

Should you eat eggs

Lots of people think it’s bad for you to eat eggs every day. Eggs have certainly had their fair share of negativity, but is it justified? In short, no. Eggs are an abundant source of essential macro and micronutrients. They have been a staple protein source in the health and fitness community for decades. They should find a home in your typical diet as well. The question is: how frequently?

The media loves to tell us the bad things about everything. However, when it comes to nutrition, nothing is black and white – all foods have health benefits as well as bad points. Eggs are no exception.

Many people will avoid eating egg yolks because they contain fat and cholesterol. Neither fat nor cholesterol is bad. In excess, they can cause some health issues, but they’re also a vital part of the body’s overall function. Energy and hormone levels depend on this dynamic duo. What other health benefits do eggs offer, and should you eat eggs every day?


Eggs provide you with essential minerals such as:

  • selenium – helps fight cancer-causing free radicals
  • riboflavin – a B vitamin that aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates
  • vitamin D – essential for strong bones and teeth


Eggs also provide you with an essential macronutrient: protein. One large egg will give you six grams of protein. Eggs are considered a complete protein source, meaning that they contain all the essential amino acids (EAAs). EAAs must come from your diet; the body is not able to make them on its own. Surprisingly few people consume enough protein daily.

Insufficient protein intake is a reason for many health and fitness problems. In fact, not consuming enough protein may be hindering your weight loss efforts. A lack of protein will definitely keep you from building muscle and fully recovering from your workouts.


The fats contained in eggs are also essential nutrients. EPA and DHA are critical fatty acids that play a role in many different things, such as:

  • brain health
  • eye health
  • joint health
  • hormonal balance

The body benefits from these fats in many more ways, but those are the big ones. You see, fat is not your enemy. Fats – at least, the right ones – are very much your friends. But I digress.

So, should you eat eggs every day?

While eggs provide you with many of the nutrients your body needs, not everyone is able to consume them. Eggs happen to be one of the most common food allergies, although many people don’t know it.

For some people, eggs can disrupt normal thyroid function and slow down their metabolism. You can go years without ever realizing that eggs do this to you. It’s an under-the-surface problem that requires some digging to diagnose.

There are a few different options to choose from, including blood testing, to see if your body is able to digest egg protein. If you find that you can’t tolerate egg protein (from a digestive standpoint), you may want to avoid eating eggs.

However, if you don’t have an egg allergy or intolerance, there is no reason whatsoever to avoid eating eggs quite frequently. But should you eat them every day? Maybe not. If you eat eggs every day, you could actually make yourself allergic to them. It’s wiser to vary your protein sources and food choices and not eat the same thing every single day. After all – variety is the spice of life!